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My name is Luanne Sweely and I live in Sebring, Ohio. I’ve been an RN for four months and I work as a case manager at Alliance Visiting Nurse Association.
I was motivated to move into my RN position because, first of all, the money - it was more money. Second of all, I was doing a lot of the things that the RN case managers were doing and was not being compensated for it. So, I decided to get my RN.
At the actual clinicals, which I took in Columbus, there were six of us that took it. I felt like I was really well prepared.
Getting my RN degree has meant a change in salary. I make more money, which has been nice. It also helps me feel more confident in my job.
I think anyone can do it. Just take it a little at a time, or you can do it very quickly. I would encourage anybody that has been thinking about going back to get their RN to do it. I think everybody can do really well with it.
Rue is a research and development firm that supplies focused learning materials for nursing students challenging nationally recognized standardized exams, which can be used to earn credits toward an ASN degree from an accredited college. Rue is not a degree granting institution. Privacy Policy