Earn Your Associate's Degree in Nursing
Perhaps you’ve always dreamed of earning your associate nursing degree, but never thought you had the time to do it. Maybe you’ve taken college courses but had to set your studies aside for awhile. Or, maybe now you’re finally ready to take the next step on the career ladder and become an RN.
Registered Nurses constitute the largest healthcare occupation with 2.5 million jobs. RNs are expects to generate about 526,800 new jobs over the 2012 - 2022 period -- one of the largest among all occupations.* Learn more about Rue Education's online RN Bridge learning materials and get on the fast track to becoming an RN. |

For over 25 years, Rue Education has been helping motivated adult learners earn credit toward their Associate of Science in Nursing Degree, which is awarded by Excelsior College, a regionally accredited, nationally recognized institution of higher education.
Using Rue Learning Systems™, you'll be able to complete your nursing studies without having to attend classes in the traditional classroom setting. And while you'll be studying independently you certainly won’t be studying alone. You’ll have a team of Academic Advisors, online tutors, peers, and subject matter experts to help you turn your dream into a reality!
Let’s get started!

An Academic Assessment with a Rue Educational Consultant will determine what subjects you need to complete your nursing degree. The consultant will identify any subjects you’ve previously taken that may be transferrable into Excelsior’s program.
Prepare for and pass required Excelsior College exams as well as CLEP and Dantes exams, using the Rue Learning Systems and our wide-ranging support network including, Academic Advisors, online tutors, and peer groups through the Rue Mentor Connection™.
Enroll with Excelsior College and transfer credits. |
Prepare for and pass any remaining exams, using the Rue Learning Systems. |
Prepare for and pass the FCCA and CPNE® clinical components.
Graduate with an Associate of Science in Nursing Degree from Excelsior College. |
Prepare for and pass your state’s NCLEX-RN exam, using the Rue Learning System and our wide-ranging support network. |
Be awarded your RN license! |
Contact Rue Education and get started today!
*Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Handbook, 2014-2015 edition