Linda Hendrickson RN


This is Linda Hendrickson and I live in Two Harbors, Minnesota. I’ve been an RN since 1990. Thanks to Rue Education I was able to get my RN in an expedient manner with good support.

The Rue study guides were very concise and very clear. The questions in the pre-unit, and post-unit questions, were very clear and indeed made the exam very easy because they were so close to what the exam questions were.

Just the other night I got a call from a potential Rue client and she said, “Is this for real?” And I said, "Absolutely." She said, “It seems too good to be true.” And I told her, that “It’s just one of those things that is really true.”

It’s a great course, you learn a lot, and it’s good support. When I talk to anyone that calls and asks about Rue I tell them you can do it ... I did it, and you can too. The fact that you’re calling and interested shows that you’re a winner and that you’re going to make it. I know you’ll do a great job and good luck.

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