Angela Jacquinto started her journey to become a registered nurse in December 2004. Angela had been an LPN for one year and was working in a nursing home. Angela wanted to become an RN because of a previous experience she had in her life. Angela’s grandmother was diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer. When Angela saw the impact that the hospice nurses had, she decided right then and there that she would become an RN and work in hospice. She wanted to provide the same support and care to patients and their families that she and her grandmother received.
In May 2005, Angela reported that she had passed her first exam. In 2005, Angela also switched jobs and began working as a hospice nurse. She continued studying and progressing in 2006. Angela put her studies on hold for a very brief period in January 2007 to welcome her third child into the world. Angela jumped back into her studies passing the remaining exams, and applied for Clinical Performance in Nursing Examination (CPNE®) in November 2008.
For nursing students, the CPNE is the final hurdle in the ASN degree earning process. Angela’s CPNE was scheduled for May 15, 2009. On May 14 Angela was at the Cincinnati airport on a layover on her way to the CPNE in Albany. She had missed her original flight. Luckily Angela had decided to schedule her flight the day before her CPNE allowing her plenty of time to travel. On top of the missed flight and layover, Angela was not feeling well - all three of her children were sick the night before. This is not the way she wanted her CPNE experience to begin.
On May 15, Angela spoke to her Innovative Academic Solutions Academic Advisor several times from her hotel room where she was mentally preparing for the CPNE. She was nervous, but she was ready. At the end of the weekend, Angela sent a text message letting her Academic Advisor know that she had successfully passed the CPNE!
Congratulations to Angela on her achievements thus far! Everyone at Rue and IAS is proud of her achievements, and we’re sure her grandmother is as well.