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Rue Education’s Video Contest
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
You’ve done it! You’re on or have completed your journey to become an RN. Now you want to tell everyone all about your experience right? What better way to do it than with a video success story of your experience with Rue Education, especially when that success story could win you $100?
Rue Education is announcing their RN Journey Video Contest. Between now and Sept 30th 2012, Rue clients can submit their Facebook videos or link to their YouTube video on Rue Education’s Facebook page. Videos will be reviewed and winners will be announced the first week in October. First place winner will receive a $100 Visa giftcard and second place will receive a $50 giftcard.
So pick up your smartphones, turn on your webcams, and grab those digital cameras and film your success story today! If you’re not sure how to upload video call your Rue Education academic advisor or educational consultant today at 1-800-759-5947.